Monday, November 14, 2016

Hannalgesin: An alpha-neurotoxin from the King Cobra and it Potential for Analgesia

Envenomation by poisonous snakes is often accompanied by substantial pain at the site of the bite. Thus it is somewhat counterintuitive that some deadly venoms have components that have excellent potential for drug development as analgesics (i.e., pain relievers).

Hannalgesin, a component of king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) venom, is a potent α-neurotoxin. However, THA903 an undecapeptide  ( 11-amino acid peptide) derived from Hannalgesin appears to have substantial analgesic activity without lethal consequences at therapeutic doses. The peptide is water soluble and can be administered sublingually.

Hannalgesin is a three-finger toxin (3FTx). It was first purified and sequenced  in 1994 by Song et al. Subsequent investigations by Kimi’s group at the National University of Singapore resulted in the development of THA903 and they established that the analgesic effect is due to a relatively short sequence near the C-terminal end of the protein.

The precise mechanism responsible for analgesia is not completely known. However, it seems reasonable that analgesic peptides may be agonists for opiod receptors. The primary sequence for Hannalgesin is presented below. The sequence NPFPT near the C-teminus seems particularly important for analgesia.


Primary Structure of Hannalgesin


Gopalakrishnakone, P., Pu, X. C., Wong, P. T. H., Gwee, M. C. E., & Kini, R. M. (2003). U.S. Patent No. 6,613,745. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Kini, R. M., & Doley, R. (2010). Structure, function and evolution of three-finger toxins: mini proteins with multiple targets. Toxicon, 56(6), 855-867.

Song, J., Chung, M. C. M., Xiong, Y., Wang, W. and Pu, X. (1994) Purification, sequence and pharmacological studies of a new alpha-neurotoxin from Ophiophagus hannah venom. Toxicon 32, 537-538 (Abstract).

Pu, X. C., Wong, P. T. H., & Gopalakrishnakone, P. (1995). A novel analgesic toxin (hannalgesin) from the venom of king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah). Toxicon, 33(11), 1425-1431.

Illustration of king cobra by Sir Joseph Fayer, 1871 (Wikimedia Commons)

Professor R. Manjunatha Kini's website

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