Monday, November 7, 2016


This blog originated in the course Drugs, Poisons and Venoms, a course that I teach at the University of Northern Iowa. One of the goals of this course is to provide students with up-to-date content, relevant to the course, that is not yet available in textbooks. I will provide some of this content. Students also provide content. The only requirements for submissions are that they be relevant to the course, well written and interesting. Although recent findings and information are a priority, submissions focusing on older topics are welcome. I expect that most  submissions will be in the range of 25 to 250 words.

When possible, submissions should link to an article or publication that provides more detail. And, if the submission concerns a specific chemical, the structure of the chemical should be provided.

Lastly, if a journal article is referenced, it should be cited in proper form.

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