Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Companies always cash in on someone elses misfortune

There has been a case of heavy metal poisoning in Flint, Michigan. The main culprit is lead from the old pipes and infrastructure. Many of these families are too poor to move anywhere else or but fresh water so there have been a steady increase of lead poisoning results. This resource says that the water was what the EPA considers hazardous waste and was usually above the 15 ppb and one sample was over 13,000 ppb.

The pharma companies have taken full advantage of this spike in lead poisoning cases. They have raised the price over the last two years by 2700%, something that used to be considered basic medical care is now skyrocketed. he medicine is an intravenous treatment called Calcium EDTA. It is used for life threatening cases of lead poisoning. Its price has remained stable for decades, but as the crisis in Flint raged on, Valeant acquired the drug and jacked up the price from $950 a vial to $26,927!
Image result for calcium edta

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