Saturday, November 30, 2019

Snake Venom Three Finger Toxins (3FTx), An Overview

Snake Venom Three Finger Toxins (3FTx), An Overview

Snake venom three finger toxins (3FTx), 51 to 83 amino acids in length, are non-enzymatic members of the superfamily of three-finger protein domains1,2. The group name for the superfamily derives from a common structural motif resembling a hand with three fingers1,2. The three “fingers” are β-strands connected to a central core. Typically the core contains four conserved disulfide linkages. Snake venom three finger toxins may exist as monomers and as covalently or non-covalently linked homodimers or heterodimers1,2. Although 3TFx’s do not possess enzymatic activity, they do possess a wide range of toxic and/or pharmacological properties. They include α-neurotoxins, β-cardiotoxins, γ-neurotoxins, κ-neurotoxins, cytotoxins, fasiculins, mambalgins and hannalgesin1,2.

Illustrated above is the ribbon structure of κ-Bungarotoxin, a 3TFx from the many banded krait (Bungarus multicinctus). κ-Bungarotoxin is somewhat unique among 3FTx’s in that it possess 5 (instead of 4) disulfide linkages and exists as a dimer1-3. 

1)      Ferraz, C. R., Arrahman, A., Xie, C., Casewell, N. R., Lewis, R. J., Kool, J., & Cardoso, F. C., (2019). Multifunctional toxins in snake venoms and therapeutic implications: from pain to hemorrhage and necrosis. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 218.
2)      Kappa-bungarotoxin
3)      Dewan, J. C., Grant, G. A., & Sacchettini, J. C. (1994). Crystal structure of. kappa.-Bungarotoxin at 2.3-. ANG. resolution. Biochemistry, 33(44), 13147-13154.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The online course "Drugs, Poisons and Venoms CHEM 4505" will be taught at the University of Northern Iowa during the spring semester 2020.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Companies always cash in on someone elses misfortune

There has been a case of heavy metal poisoning in Flint, Michigan. The main culprit is lead from the old pipes and infrastructure. Many of these families are too poor to move anywhere else or but fresh water so there have been a steady increase of lead poisoning results. This resource says that the water was what the EPA considers hazardous waste and was usually above the 15 ppb and one sample was over 13,000 ppb.

The pharma companies have taken full advantage of this spike in lead poisoning cases. They have raised the price over the last two years by 2700%, something that used to be considered basic medical care is now skyrocketed. he medicine is an intravenous treatment called Calcium EDTA. It is used for life threatening cases of lead poisoning. Its price has remained stable for decades, but as the crisis in Flint raged on, Valeant acquired the drug and jacked up the price from $950 a vial to $26,927!
Image result for calcium edta

Friday, December 9, 2016

What is the Sea Wasp?

Do you know what the most dangerous/poisonous marine animal is? Box jellyfish have tentacles covered in nematocysts, which are tiny darts filled with poison. People or animals that come into contact with this jellyfish, may experience paralysis, cardiac arrest, or even death. However, there are only a select few of these box jellyfish that contain the venom. This particular type of jellyfish is known as the Sea Wasp.

The New Street Drug with Crazy Potency

"This new drug, W-18, is a synthetic opiate that gives a person heroin-like high, buts its 100 times more powerful than fentanyl and 10,000 times more powerful than morphine." It is thought to be produced in China and then shipped to North American through different services, such as FedEx. This drug has been found throughout Canada, however, there have been incidents of it being sold in the United States.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Street Drugs in the World

There are many drugs throughout the world. According to this article, these are the top ten street drugs that are corrupting our society. The article gives descriptions of each individual drugs, as well as, the side effects that it can cause health wise. 
Top 10, 1 being the least popular. 
1) Purple Drank
2) Scopolamine 
3) Heroin 
4) Crack Cocaine
5) Crystal Meth 
6) AH - 7921
7) Flakka
8) Bath Salts
9) Whoonga
10) Krokodil

6 Surprising Facts about THC

THC is a primary ingredient in marijuana and is responsible for the high. However, THC has been found to have medical benefits for some people. 
6 Surprising Facts: 
1) THC was discovered in 1964
2) THC is one of more than 60 active ingredients in cannabis. 
3) THC is used in FDA approved pharmaceuticals. 
4) THC can protect brain cells and stimulate their growth. 
5) Chemicals like THC are found in the human body
6) THC does not always come with a high